Post cards/Greeting cards – invitations

Invitations sent in the traditional form raise the prestige, guarantee the high rank of each event and give its participants positive associations with organized event. This type of advertisement is also an excellent way to inform about upcoming conference, seminar devoted to some important issue or about the grand opening of a new building.
Folded Cards are a brilliant product for every occasion. They are very useful when they include the corporate logo so they can be used as greeting cards to celebrate name day, birthday, companies anniversary, every kind of holidays or other celebrations. Important fact is that these cards also can be send to your customers. Invitations that are in our offer are of excellent quality and low price. These products represent some of the best additions to the already functioning company, where the goal is not only the basic activity, but also the maintaining of respect among customers. Folding cards are very popular both among private entrepreneurs as well as state and local government institutions.
Our offer:

A5 / A6 / DL / 2x DL / 2x A6
The surface: chalk mat or flash
Printing: Digital
one-sided 4/0
two-sided 4/4, 4/1